Friday, November 18, 2011

Article about anorexia

I made this article for a class. It's in spanish, so if I have the time I will translate it. Also I'm going to translate all my posts in spanish too. Enjoy!

La anorexia nerviosa: un asesino silente

Por: Marjorie Massa

            Muchos de nosotros hemos oído hablar de la palabra anorexia, pero muy pocas personas tienen conocimiento de esta enfermedad, no saben cuáles son sus consecuencias ni qué lo ocasiona. La anorexia es uno de los desórdenes alimenticios que más afecta a los jóvenes hoy día, es por lo tanto la tasa más alta de mortalidad de enfermedades. Este desorden alimenticio consiste en privarse de alimentos o consumir una baja ingesta calórica y, en algunos casos, puede llegar a ser de tipo purgativo. La anorexia tiende afectar mayormente a las mujeres jóvenes, que a los hombres.

Ciertamente, la anorexia es una enfermedad compleja. Aunque todavía se desconocen las causas de este desorden alimenticio, se ha comprobado que la causa va más allá de querer lucir bien y delgado. Estas causas pueden ser psicológicas o bioquímicas y, en algunos casos, se piensa que esta puede ser hereditaria. Usualmente, las personas con este desorden alimenticio tienden a ser hijos ejemplares, responsables, perfeccionistas, con excelente desempeño académico, pero con una baja autoestima y con una percepción errónea de su cuerpo, creando un rechazo a mantener el peso corporal  indicado según su edad y estatura.

Varios estudios demuestran que la autoestima física está asociada a la autoestima en general. Las mujeres con este trastorno tienen pensamientos de ser malas personas, descuidadas y un intenso temor a ser rechazadas.

            Una de las interrogantes que se hace la sociedad constantemente es cómo esta comienza. Los jóvenes con anorexia empiezan con una simple dieta, volviéndose cada vez más estricta, hasta eliminar todo alimento de rico contenido calórico. También, la persona puede llegar a recurrir a laxantes, diuréticos y a ejercitarse excesivamente. Una creencia errónea de la sociedad es que las personas se convierten en anoréxicas.
              Usualmente, estos no saben que padecen de esta enfermedad hasta que comienzan los síntomas físicos, como la pérdida de peso excesiva y repentina, la interrupción del ciclo menstrual, la anemia, la hipotensión, la sensibilidad al frío y la auto mutilación, o los síntomas psicológicos, como la depresión, la ansiedad, la fobia social y la agresividad. En algunos casos, personas con esta enfermedad tienden a estar en negación o a no querer salir de ella. Son en estos casos que termina siendo demasiado tarde, cobrando la anorexia, la vida de estas. De hecho, un estudio de seguimiento a largo plazo  se demostró que entre 151 expacientes con anorexia, nueve habían muerto siete años después de su primer contacto médico con la anorexia, siete de ellos por suicidio.

            Aunque no existe una cura para los desórdenes alimenticios, sí existen tratamientos en los que intervienen un psicólogo, un psiquiatra y un nutricionista. Su recuperación puede durar hasta cuatro años y consiste en tratamientos psicológicos, una dieta balanceada, antidepresivos, antipsicóticos y en algunos casos, la hospitalización. Los programas de tratamiento tienen una buena tasa de éxito en la recuperación del peso normal, pero es común que haya recaídas. Las mujeres que desarrollan este trastorno alimentario a temprana edad tienen una mayor posibilidad de recuperación completa; pero, la mayoría de las personas con anorexia seguirán prefiriendo estar en un peso corporal bajo y estar preocupados hasta cierto punto por los alimentos y las calorías. El manejo del peso puede ser difícil y es posible que se requiera un tratamiento a largo plazo para ayudar a mantener un peso corporal saludable. Si tú o algún familiar o amigo tienen estos síntomas comunícate con la National Eating Disorder Asociation. Ellos te dirán lo que necesitas saber para que tú o esa persona reciba la ayuda necesaria.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lonely and unworthy

I’ve been crying my eyes out this week. I have never felt lonelier in my life. I have almost no friends and my relationship with my brother is almost non-existent. I wish it was different. I wish he could at least try to understand me, but he doesn’t want to or doesn’t care. You have no idea of everything I’ve done for him to accept me or love me. Sometimes, I feel like if I get to the point where they have to take me to the hospital, he’ll finally pay me attention and love me back. I know it’s wrong for me to think like that but I just can’t help it. I feel unworthy of love.

TTFN! <3

Monday, November 14, 2011

Inspirational images

My life... Well, the "back to sleep" part is getting harder and harder everyday...


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hell week!

These past two days have been hell! I haven’t been able to sleep well. I either woke up like three times in the night or I have nightmares. Plus, I’ve been feeling depressed, tired, cold and dizzy. I guess it’s because my calorie intake this week hasn’t been very high. Today I eat 750 calories total. I haven’t had my period yet, but I guess is normal since I’m irregular. I know it’s awful to say this but a part of me doesn’t even care that I can die from this and that's scary... 
TTFN! <3

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

People should learn some manners

Yesterday we were celebrating the birthday of my sister-in-law’s mom and grandmother. All I ate was some coleslaw because I knew that there was going to be cake and ice cream, so I wanted to do less damage as possible. After we sang happy birthday, I asked for a small piece of cake and just when I was putting a piece in my mouth, my sister-in-law’s uncle tells me “That’s going to make you fat”. After that, I lost my appetite, so I gave my brother the rest of the cake.

I’m pretty sure they know I’m anorexic. I mean they kept telling me “You look better” and “Keep eating” among other things. But that's not the point.  People should not say that, weather you have an eating disorder or not. That's just completely uncalled for. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Project: Support Group UPDATE!

Two posts in one day? I know! But I can't help it, I'm so excited! I wrote to a psychologist that I found on the Internet about the support group and she wrote me back saying that she was really interested and she would love to help me create the group. It looks like we’ll probably be having an eating disorder support group in Puerto Rico after all.

All of you who are interested to be a part of it don’t be shy to comment or e-mail me.

TTFN! <3

Guilt trip

Yesterday it was all about my guilt trip. I felt fat, I ate some of my dad’s awesome pasta and I barely could fit on a pair of jeans size 0. I was on the verge of tears. I don’t want to get fat! Not again! Not after I had a taste of what was like to be thin. I know it’s wrong to think like that but I can’t help it. I even wished that I had diabetes type 2 so I could stay skinny. I mean, what the hell is wrong with me?

TTFN! <3

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I’m so angry right now, but mostly disappointed. I was told that there was a support group for people with eating disorders here in Puerto Rico and just called today and apparently it doesn’t exist anymore. So, yeah, it may seem unbelievable, but there are no support groups for people with eating disorders here in Puerto Rico. How sad it’s that?  There’s a growing incidence of eating disorders in this island and apparently nobody gives a damn. Well, since I give a damn about this, I’m going start Project: Support Group (I know, I know it sounds lame, but bear with me here. I'm to angry to think of a cool name right now) and I’m going to make this support group happen!  
So, if you live in Puerto Rico and you have an eating disorder and you want a support group, help me make this happen! Leave a comment or email me.
TTFN! <3

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

And hell broke loose… again

After spending a summer in treatment, I was finally recovering from my anorexia. I was doing pretty well, actually. I was eating healthy, not feeling guilty or cutting down on my food and that annoying little voice was almost gone. Then… BANG! A week ago, another episode of depression hit me, bringing back the anxiety attacks, the cutting and leaving a small gap for that voice to creep back into my head… And boy was she hitting hard! I went back to my old ways. This time - and this was quite hard to admit because I was scared and a coward- I realized that there’s a part of me that doesn’t want this eating disorder to go away. There’s a part of me that even recent me for seeking help again and for telling all of this to my psychologist.  

I know this is just the beginning. I know she’s going to put up a fight and there’re are going to be terrible days ahead, but I’m convince that I’m going to win and she’s going to lose. Tomorrow, I’m seeing a psychiatrist from the treatment center. They wanted me to start treatment right away but since I’m in college it was going to be quite hard. So until December, I’m going to be seeing their psychologist and psychiatrist and I’m going to be assisting to a support group.

Confession of the day: I skipped breakfast and I ate fifteen gummy bears this afternoon. 

TTFN! <3

Monday, October 17, 2011

First Entry

Hi, to whoever is reading this:

I was kind of skeptical at first on writing about my eating disorder, but it all changed after reading another blog.  That blog helped me realize and admit a lot of things that I was scared I was too much of a coward to admit it. I hope that sharing my road to recovery helps you in some way, just like that blog helped me.
TTFN! <3